Certified by the Institute of Modern Dog Training (IMDT)

Certified by the Instituter of Modern Dog Training (IMDT)

Terms and Conditions of Service


Grab a cuppa, this is the boring bit.... but it’s important that you read through this document and then we can get onto the good stuff! Please note that payment for services also implies full agreement with these Terms and Conditions.

Training and Handling Methods.

The training techniques used by Insight Hounds are based on positive reinforcement and, as such, are kind, fair and reward based. The use of harsh handling of dogs, physical force and the use of punitive methods / punishment / corrections or equipment designed to be aversive (including choke chains, check chains, prong collars, spray collars, e-collars or any other device deemed unacceptable by the trainer) are not permitted in training sessions and should not be used in training your dog. Please therefore bring your dog’s favourite high value treats with you, it’s all about fun.

Bookings, Payments, and cancellations.

Full payment is required to secure your booking, along with the completed booking form and acknowledgement that you agree to our Terms and Conditions. We cannot confirm your place until a cleared payment has been received.

When payment has been received, Insight Hounds will confirm your place on the course and the start date or date of the 1-2-1 session. Payments are non-refundable. If your booking and payment is received and there are no places available, we will contact you to discuss an alternative date. In the event that we have to cancel a session with you due to unforeseen circumstances, such as adverse weather/ illness/ emergency, we will make every effort to reschedule your session to another mutually convenient time. If this is not possible, we will refund you for the cost of that particular session.

Training Classes

Classes will run on the dates advised and if you are unable to attend any of the dates then unfortunately, we cannot extend the class to cover your absence.

Class sizes are kept to small numbers to ensure you receive the standard of training we at Insight Hounds strive to offer. For this reason, we ask that you only bring one dog to classes to ensure you can fully concentrate on what is been taught. If you have more than one dog that requires training then please contact Insight Hounds to discuss this.

Your Dogs Health

It is the owner / handler’s responsibility to ensure that their dog is appropriately protected against the risk of disease, as well as being appropriately treated for internal and external parasites. There can be no guarantee that there is absolutely no risk of disease at any venue or when in contact with any other dogs or materials, which may have been in contact with other dog: Insight Hounds accepts no responsibility for the potential or actual exposure of dogs to disease. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are accepting full responsibility for the protection of your dog from the risk of disease.

Please advise us in advance of the session if your dog has been in contact with another dog infected by a contagious disease or if they appear to be unwell (e.g., vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing, runny nose etc). Depending on the issue, it may be advisable for the session to be cancelled or re-arranged. If your dog has any known allergies or intolerances to certain foods or has any other special needs, it is your responsibility to bring this to the attention of the trainer prior to the start of the session, and provide appropriate alternative treats etc.


Please arrive in good time for your class as late arrivals cause disruption to the trainer and other dogs in the class. On arrival, please park in an orderly manner and be considerate of others. Please note that cars are parked at your own risk and Insight Hounds take no responsibility for any damage that may occur. Please ensure that your dog’s harness or collar is fitting correctly and is secure on a flat lead at all times (Flexi-type leads are not suitable). All dogs must be wearing an ID tag on its collar with the correct legal requirements as set out in the Control of Dogs Order 1992. Please do not allow your dog to interact with others unless directed by the trainer, as some dogs will not be comfortable with other dogs approaching them.

Please do not feed or give treats to any dog other than yours at training classes.


Dogs must be kept on leads at all times unless directed by the trainer. There is hedging around the car park where your dog can toilet, if your dog prefers grass, please follow the building around to the right and you will find a grass area. Please do not allow your dog to toilet up the sides of the building! It is your responsibility to pick up after your dog (If you don’t have bags on the day, please let me know) Please ensure any dog poo bags go in the BLACK bin.


Your dog (and its behaviour) remains entirely your responsibility at all times, whether or not in the presence of the trainer / behaviourist.

Complaints procedure:

Thankfully, complaints are extremely rare indeed. But if you are unhappy with the service we offer, you should follow this process:

1) Contact us by email or message clare@insighthounds.co.uk or 07814 566657 letting us know the nature of your complaint immediately once you start to feel unhappy.

2) We would appreciate the opportunity to improve our service and will aim to ensure that our service meets your requirements.

3) If we are unable to meet your requirements and yet it was clearly stated in our terms and Conditions that this would be the degree of service provided, no refund will be given.

4) If your complaint is valid and we did not meet our service levels as shown in our terms and conditions, a refund will be given for the remaining sessions that you will not be attending.

Data Protection/Privacy Notice.

Insight Hounds will collect information from you for registration and training purposes and be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. None of this information is ever passed on to a third party. By booking onto a class or training sessions you will be added to our mailing list and you can unsubscribe at any time by emailing clare@insighthounds.co.uk with the subject title “UNSUBSCRIBE.” We will also take photos during classes/sessions and use these as feedback for marketing purposes (website, Facebook, etc), only first names will be used; please let Insight Hounds know if you do not want photos or feedback used in this way.

Please confirm – please tick to conform- that you have read, understood, and accept the Terms & Conditions prior to your start date or first session. If receipt of written confirmation is not received by the time you attend your first class or 1-2-1 session, attendance will constitute acceptance of these Terms & Conditions.

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